No subject

Sun Jan 16 06:41:43 UTC 2011

The Auditing And Accounting Manager
United Bank For Africa (UBA).
Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso.=20
Tel 00226 71 348799=20

I am aware that this is certainly an unconventional approach to starting a =
I am Mr. abdullahi babayaro, the personal account officer of late Mr. Werne=
r Karl who has an account in one of our banks here in Burkina Faso . The ac=
count was opened in 2004 and he died in 2007 without a written WILL and sin=
ce 2007 nobody has operated on this account again, hence the money has been=
 floating and if I do not remmit this money out urgently, the Government of=
 Burkina Faso will confisticate the funds for their personal use which I pe=
rsonally don't want such incident to happen, being that this is a great opp=
ortunity for me, I now contact you for assistance to transfer the fund (eur=
o 10.6000.00 ) Ten Million Six Hundred Thousand euro from a Cooperate Bank =
here in Burkina Faso to an oversea account. First, I must solicit your stri=
ctest confidence in this transaction. This is by virtue of its nature as be=
ing utterly confidential. I solicit your assistance to enable my bank trans=
fer the said amount into your safe account for onward investment.

As long as you will remain honest to me till the end of this important busi=
ness trusting in you and believing that you will never let me down either n=
ow or in future because this business is my life. The owner of this account=
 is a foreigner and no other person knows about this account or anything co=
ncerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and until his death he wa=
s the manager of the company. My investigation through the National immigra=
tion department & Ministries here proved to me as well that he was single a=
s at the time of his entry into the Republic of Burkina Faso . As a matter =
of fact, I have decided to transfer this fund abroad for investment and als=
o to use my own share of the fund to take my wife to abroad for liver damag=
e treatment. Your assistance as a foreigner is necessary because the manage=
ment of the bank will welcome any foreigner who has correct information to =
this account which I will give to you immediately, if you are
 interested to do this business with me. There is no risk in this business.=
 With my position here in the bank the money can be transferred to any acco=
unt you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending o=
ur physical arrival in your country for sharing. Upon successful transfer w=
ithout any disappointment from your side, I am only contacting you as a for=
eigner because this money cannot be approved to a local indigine here, but =
can only be approved to any foreigner who has the correct information of th=
e account, which I will provide for you. At the conclusion of the transfer =
you will take 40%, 10% will be for any expenses both parties incurred in th=
e process of this business and the remaining 50% will be for me. As soon as=
 I hear from you and upon your strong assurance that you will not let me do=
wn once the fund goes into your account I will then send you the Text of ap=
plication form which you will fill with your banking information and
 send to my bank here for immediate transfer of the fund to your account. I=
f you are interested, please forward the following information as below:=20

{1} Your Name and full address,=20
{2} Bank Name...=20
{3} Bank Address...
{4} Account No...
{5} Swift Code... {if any}
{6} Account Holder's Name: ..........
{7} Your telephone No
{8} your Occupation=20
{9} Your Valid ID=20
Best Regards,

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<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;"><BR><BR>From The Desk of Mr abdullahi babayar=
o <BR>The Auditing And Accounting Manager<BR>United Bank For Africa (UBA).<=
BR>Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso. <BR>Tel 00226 71 348799 <BR><BR>Dear <BR>I am =
aware that this is certainly an unconventional approach to starting a relat=
ionship. <BR>I am Mr. abdullahi babayaro, the personal account officer of l=
ate Mr. Werner Karl who has an account in one of our banks here in Burkina =
Faso . The account was opened in 2004 and he died in 2007 without a written=
 WILL and since 2007 nobody has operated on this account again, hence the m=
oney has been floating and if I do not remmit this money out urgently, the =
Government of Burkina Faso will confisticate the funds for their personal u=
se which I personally don't want such incident to happen, being that this i=
s a great opportunity for me, I now contact you for assistance to transfer =
 fund (euro 10.6000.00 ) Ten Million Six Hundred Thousand euro from a Coope=
rate Bank here in Burkina Faso to an oversea account. First, I must solicit=
 your strictest confidence in this transaction. This is by virtue of its na=
ture as being utterly confidential. I solicit your assistance to enable my =
bank transfer the said amount into your safe account for onward investment.=
<BR><BR>As long as you will remain honest to me till the end of this import=
ant business trusting in you and believing that you will never let me down =
either now or in future because this business is my life. The owner of this=
 account is a foreigner and no other person knows about this account or any=
thing concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and until his dea=
th he was the manager of the company. My investigation through the National=
 immigration department &amp; Ministries here proved to me as well that he =
was single as at the time of his entry into the Republic of Burkina
 Faso . As a matter of fact, I have decided to transfer this fund abroad fo=
r investment and also to use my own share of the fund to take my wife to ab=
road for liver damage treatment. Your assistance as a foreigner is necessar=
y because the management of the bank will welcome any foreigner who has cor=
rect information to this account which I will give to you immediately, if y=
ou are interested to do this business with me. There is no risk in this bus=
iness. With my position here in the bank the money can be transferred to an=
y account you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pen=
ding our physical arrival in your country for sharing. Upon successful tran=
sfer without any disappointment from your side, I am only contacting you as=
 a foreigner because this money cannot be approved to a local indigine here=
, but can only be approved to any foreigner who has the correct information=
 of the account, which I will provide for you. At the conclusion of
 the transfer you will take 40%, 10% will be for any expenses both parties =
incurred in the process of this business and the remaining 50% will be for =
me. As soon as I hear from you and upon your strong assurance that you will=
 not let me down once the fund goes into your account I will then send you =
the Text of application form which you will fill with your banking informat=
ion and send to my bank here for immediate transfer of the fund to your acc=
ount. If you are interested, please forward the following information as be=
low: <BR><BR>{1} Your Name and full address, <BR>{2} Bank Name... <BR>{3} B=
ank Address...<BR>{4} Account No...<BR>{5} Swift Code... {if any}<BR>{6} Ac=
count Holder's Name: ..........<BR>{7} Your telephone No<BR>{8} your Occupa=
tion <BR>{9} Your Valid ID <BR>Best Regards,<BR><BR></td></tr></table><br>=
=0A=0A=0A=0A      &nbsp;

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