[Pkg-kde-extras] Kiva.org Loan Company.

Kiva.org Loans. kh-vdc1 at vdc.com.vn
Thu Sep 22 16:24:57 UTC 2011

Kiva.org Financial Loan Company.
77a Dock Road, Chatham Kent, UK. ME4 4TR.
Tell: +447924522156
Fax: +447024028088
This is to inform you that Kiva.org has commenced our 2011 loan offer. Kiva.org is giving out Twenty Million
US dollars each to 5 qualified applicants from all over the world who can utilize these funds
positively on personal/business purposes, and have it returned within 20years.
This loan is offered at 1% interest rate, To apply. Send email to kivaofficeunit at london.com
Kiva.org UK.

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