[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#668458: [kmymoney] Decimal symbol lost when importing from CSV

Nicolas Michaux nicolas-bugs at michaux.homelinux.org
Wed Apr 11 23:31:16 UTC 2012

I should have put some more info in my previous report.

I added a lot of debug in csvprocessing.cpp to track this bug. Everything is 
working fine until amount is converted in MyMoneyMoney class : 
- amount is correctly detected in csv file
- decimal symbol and thousand operator are correctly detected from KDE 
- decimal symbol and thousand operator positions are correctly detected

But, when the amount is (implicitely) converted to MyMoneyMoney class and 
assigned to Transaction in csvImportTransaction function, something is going 

Here is an example : 
If I import an amount of "-1039,03" EUR, I can see in debug logs that this 
number is correctly processed, but after assignment, the result is "-103903/1" 
in place of "-103903/100".

It seems to be a problem in implicit conversion of a string to a MyMoneyMoney 
class (compiler optimization?).
By forcing an instanciation of a MyMoneyMoney class, the conversion is 
correct. It seems that this bug has been corrected in Kmymoney git repository 
in csvdialog.cpp : 

I filled this bug as important as Kmymoney is unusable in wheezy/sid if you 
want to import some data from csv files.


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