firststandardinvestment at consultant.com
Tue Sep 4 07:39:24 UTC 2012
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Visualização Prévia: First Standard Investment an investment companies,our group
is a project development and investment organization from UK .We makes long
term capital intensive investments to deliver strong financial returns and
economic diversification.We focused on number of areas in which it has developed
significant competitive advantage,including,telecommunication,energy,industry,healthcare,infrastruct
ure,real estate,oil and gas,transportation,mining e.t.c. [...]
Detalhes da análise: (9.5 points, 5.0 required)
pts regra descrição
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-1.4 ALL_TRUSTED Passed through trusted hosts only via SMTP
0.0 MISSING_MID Missing Message-Id: header
3.4 FH_DATE_PAST_20XX The date is grossly in the future.
1.8 SUBJ_ALL_CAPS Subject is all capitals
1.6 MISSING_HEADERS Missing To: header
4.2 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook
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From: "FIRST STANDARD INVESTMENT"<firststandardinvestment at consultant.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 15:39:24 +0800
Size: 1818
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