[Pkg-kde-extras] Measuring TRAINING ROI <adv>

HR Event percilla at mail2.fdb.com.sg
Tue Feb 5 10:49:05 UTC 2013

Applying proven, systematic methods to maximize the return on your training investments


28 Feb to 1 March in Singapore


Contact kitty at unistrategic.com for Details


Workshop Benefits


·         Verify how training contributes to the bottom line

·         Learn how to improve your training and performance improvement programs

·         Identify (and fix or eliminate) ineffective training

·         Drive initiatives by measuring their effectiveness


“Dan engages the audience and provides valuable, relevant, practical information.”

- Manager, Syringa Networks


“Excellent training about training!”

- Manager, The Southern Company


1. Step-by-step Training ROI instruction workbook

2. Training ROI Criteria Checklist

3. Data Collection Template

4. Comprehensive Cost-Accounting Template

5. Reporting Checklist


Contact kitty at unistrategic.com with ROI-XY for more details


Recruitment and OnBoarding Masterclass


Benefits of the workshop

·         Learn how to design an organisational OnBoarding framework

·         Learn how to assess Video CV & Resumes

·         Master the interview techniques to identify the Body Language Cues

      ·         Understand the impact of giving and receiving feedback in retaining talent


Contact kitty at unistrategic.com with RO-XY for more details


Warmest Regards,


Marketing Department (Registration)

6825 9618 (Direct)


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