[Pkg-kde-extras] Increasing Business Performance through Internal Communication

E Avant Sdn Bhd info at eavantmarketing.com
Mon Jan 21 15:55:18 UTC 2013

E Avant Sdn Bhd

Increasing Business Performance through Internal Communication

25 - 26 February 2013, 9am - 5pm
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Certificate will be awarded to delegates who complete the course


Dear Colleague,

Workshop Overview

                     This course will enable you to understand the extraordinary potential you have locked up in your organisation’s current Internal Communication (IC) practices. It will show you why the potential’s there, why it remains untapped, how to measure it, and how to put in place a plan to start realising it.

                     IC is unique because, unlike finance, IT, HR, sales, or any technical discipline, it’s the only business activity that every single person in an organisation has to do.  So the idea that someone might not be as good as they need to be at an activity that, literally, ‘anyone can do?means improving IC can be a highly sensitive subject.  So this course will also show you how to make it ‘safe?for everyone to acknowledge their limitations, and enable your organisation to exploit what may be its single biggest area of growth potential.


During this two day course you will

DISCOVER IC’s huge untapped financial potential, and its impact on your organisation’s current performance
IDENTIFY the key reasons why that potential exists within your organisation
UNDERSTAND how to make it safe for everyone to accept their own IC limitations, and create an culture which encourages people to improve
EXPLORE practical steps you can take to change the current situation
PLAN a course of action to take your organisation forward


World Class Course Facilitator

Published author

Communication Goldmine - 2006
The uncommon sense of internal communication - 2011


Published Articles

Why internal communication needs its own model - British Association of Communicators in Business 2007
Why businesses don’t take internal communication seriously enough - Strategic Communication Review - 2007
The future of Internal Communication  - British Association of Communicators in Business 2008
The Business Fairytale Detective - British Association of Communicators in Business 2009


Business Conference Speaker

International Association of Business Communicators - Brussels - 2005
British Association of Communicators in Business - Birmingham - 2008
Institute of Internal Communication - Chester - 2010
HR.com ?Global Webinars - August 2011, March 2012

For more information & Registration
To request e-brochure and find out more about this event, please email / reply to keith at eavant.asia with subject title "Brochure-ICOM"


Contact Person
Keith M.
Marketing Manager (Registration)
Tel: +603 9082 9486
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/heiskeith
Official Website: www.eavant.asia
More Upcoming Events: www.3avant.wordpress.com


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