[Pkg-kde-extras] Innovative Approach for IFRS and IPSAS
Lai Peng
marketing at absolute-bme.com
Wed Jul 17 02:06:19 UTC 2013
Ultimate Solution to Your Migration to IFRS and IPSAS
Date: 11th - 13th September 2013
Venue: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Key Benefit of Attending
Participates attending this programme will:
•APPRECIATE the existence and content of the Conceptual Frameworks for
financial reporting
•OBTAIN the effective way to Present Financial Statements in accordance with
- balance sheet: statement of financial position
- income statement: statement of comprehensive income
- cash flow statement: statement of cash flows
- statement of changes In equity
- notes, including a Summary of the Significant Accounting Policies
•GAIN an understanding of the most important IFRS/IPSAS required when
preparing general purpose financial statements
•GAIN an understanding of the most important IFRS/IPSAS required when
preparing general purpose financial statements in the energy sector
•EVALUATE and ANALYSE financial statements and the impact of IFRS/IPSAS
Session Highlights
The Presentation of Financial Statements in accordance with IFRS and IPSAS
•Balance Sheet
•Income Statement
•Statement of Changes In Equity
•A Cash Flow Statement
•Notes, including a Summary of the Significant Accounting Policies
Evaluation of financial reports that have been prepared on the basis of IFRS
•Fundamental ratio analysis of accounting information
o A review of a selection of ratios applied to financial reports prepared
under IFRS and IPSAS:
Return on Capital and Assets
Asset Usage
Cash Flow
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting: both IFRS and IPSAS
•A review of the purpose of the framework
The key concepts
•Links to the Standards
Who is using IPSAS and what are they?
• Cash basis v accruals basis
• Main differences between IFRS and IPSAS
The fundamentals of financial reporting
IAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements
IPSAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements
IAS 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
IPSAS 3: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
IAS 18: Revenue
IPSAS 9: Revenue from Exchange Transactions
IAS 37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
IPSAS 19: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
IFRS 13: Fair Value Measurement
IAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment
IPSAS 17: Property, Plant, and Equipment
IAS 10: Events after the Reporting Period
IPSAS 14: Events after the Reporting Date
IAS 7: Statement of Cash Flows
IPSAS 2: Cash Flow Statements
IAS 23: Borrowing Costs
IPSAS 5: Borrowing Costs
IAS 36 (as revised 2004): Impairment of Assets
IPSAS 21 Impairment of Non Cash Generating Assets
IAS 2 Inventories
IPSAS 12: Inventories
IAS 17 (as revised 2009): Leases
IPSAS 13: Leases
IFRS 8: Operating Segments
IPSAS 18: Segment Reporting
IAS 38 (Revised 2004): Intangible Assets
IPSAS 31 Intangible Assets
IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources
IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements (2011)
IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements (2003)
IPSAS 6 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
IPSAS 22: Disclosure of Financial Information about the General Government
IPSAS 24: Presentation of Budget Information in Financial Statements
Evaluation of financial reports that have been prepared on the basis of IFRS
FREE Take Away
•Summary standards
•Real life case studies (e.g the income statement and disclosure notes on
depreciation) and solutions to all exercises.
Who Should Attend
•Asset Accountants
•Chief Accountants
•Chief Executives
•Chief Financial Official
•Finance Directors and Managers
•Financial Analysts
•Financial Controllers
•CPAs and CAs
•Government Regulators
•Internal and External Auditors
•Joint Venture Accountants
•Management Accountants
•Treasury Officers
Trainer profile and experience
•Author, trainer and business consultant specialising in Financial and
Management Accounting
•Director of a project with a budget of $25 million
•Excellent communication skills have been demonstrated across several
countries and cultures as well as to lead teams and organization to full
•Trainer's international experience includes projects and consultancies
carried out in Malawi in Central Africa, Dubai, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Denmark, Thailand, Singapore and so on.
To Register: marketing<at>absolute-bme.com
For more information about who the expert trainer, do to send me an email to
marketing<at>absolute-bme.com with subject title "IFRS&IPSAS" and I shall
send you the PDF copy of our full program with trainer's profile, agenda and
testimonials. Remember, you can save 10% on these courses but you do need to
book by 31st July 2013 and quote the reference IFRSIPSAS1113. Register
online at www.absolute-bme.com, email to marketing<at>absolute-bme.com or
ring us now on +603 2630 5100.
Do reply us with your contact information so that we will be able to reach
you in case there are any clarifications needed.
With Best Regards,
Lai Peng
Marketing Manager
Absolute BME Sdn Bhd
Office: +603 2360 5100
DID: +603 2360 5135
Fax: +603 2360 5199
Email: marketing<at>absolute-bme.com
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