[Pkg-kde-extras] Understanding Procurement Fraud: Identification, Detection and Prevention
E Avant Sdn Bhd
info at newslettereavant.com
Wed Mar 6 21:04:42 UTC 2013
E Avant Sdn Bhd
Understanding Procurement Fraud:
Identification, Detection and Prevention
25 - 26 February 2013, 9am - 5pm
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Certificate will be awarded to delegates who complete the course
Dear Colleague,
The increase in contract management and the outsourcing of goods and services has created an increase in procurement fraud. It is important to have the correct controls, processes and fraud preventative strategies in place. We will discuss best practices for preventing, detecting, and investigating contract and procurement fraud.
Every organisation, whether large or small, buy’s in products or services and when this activity is high value spend it can become a natural target for fraudsters. Fraud within the procurement life cycle is high risk and often becomes embedded within the organisation and can result in recurring losses. This type of fraud also requires some form of insider collaboration, which puts your organisation at risk. This means that the fraudsters may know your company processes and confidential insider information.
There is plenty of published guidance on how to prevent procurement fraud yet it continues to occur. However, this workshop provides training using practically gained commercial procurement fraud experience and is supported by academic research.
Day One will focus on the procurement process and procurement fraud, the underlying fraud risks/schemes/vulnerabilities, and expected controls. The sessions during the day will look at what constitutes fraud, the fraud indicators, and legal elements of fraud.
Day Two will focus on detecting procurement fraud and fraud risks. Particular attention will be paid to tender processes and contracts.
Day Three will address the prevention of fraud, create fraud awareness in the organisation, and develop a fraud prevention model against best practices.
For more information & Registration
To request e-brochure and find out more about this event, please email / reply to keith at eavant.asia with subject title "Brochure-FRAUD"
Contact Person
Keith M.
Marketing Manager (Registration)
Tel: +603 9082 9486
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/heiskeith
Official Website: www.eavant.asia
More Upcoming Events: www.3avant.wordpress.com
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