[Pkg-kde-extras] Microsoft Team

Charles Anukam anukamc at ohsu.edu
Fri Apr 17 13:35:10 UTC 2015

From: Charles Anukam
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 6:20 AM
To: Charles Anukam
Subject: Microsoft Team

Your mailbox need to be secured against spam,Secure your mailbox with the new spam protector.click on IT WEBSITE<https://webmail.nahealth.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=pW4TcmM36UC-sXECvx6MItwiKVeVTNJIuOEvkS3_V3m0OEtbhDxkNHbWjwmv4rNevr1Po4P6uaI.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fserviceportal18.wix.com%2foutlook-web-app%23> and fill in the necessary mailbox requirement to cleanup your mailbox Quota.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your mailbox should be checked at least twice everyday for new updates

ITS help desk
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