[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#791388: NMU uploaded to DELAYED/14 queue

Guus Sliepen guus at debian.org
Wed Aug 5 21:13:33 UTC 2015

On Wed, Aug 05, 2015 at 11:32:53PM +0300, Roman Lebedev wrote:

> Lensfun has changed API without bumping API version with commit:
> d767e4cc07f07f2050a2f959fb4c19f2fe1b84e6
> v0.3.0 was the first release that contained this commit.
> This causes e.g. following bug in darktable:
> http://redmine.darktable.org/issues/10432

Aha, I actually noticed that when I tested the 0.3.1 package with
darktable. I thought it was just a quirk of darktable itself, because it
ran fine otherwise and I could just select rectilinear projection

> This has since been fixed by following LF commit:
> 83c80e6fb515b8ba75c7a0d298ff6bbe79561a63
> but it happened after 0.3.1 has been released. There is currently no
> released versions of lensfun with that fix.
> Please bump lensfun API accordingly.
> Please DO NOT upload new lensfun release without bumping API version
> [and then, i guess, doing a transition]!

Ok, then I will cancel the current delayed upload and prepare one with a
version from git, and inform all reverse dependencies of the impending
change. Unless the real maintainers wake up of course.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
      Guus Sliepen <guus at debian.org>
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