[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#777833: digikam: ftbfs with GCC-5 (patch)

Danny Edel debian at danny-edel.de
Tue Aug 25 17:05:52 UTC 2015

tags 777833 patch

Hello all,

I tried to rebuild digikam on sid today. The current version still
misses libsoprano-dev dependency and fails with:

> make[3]: *** No rule to make target '/usr/lib/libsoprano.so', needed
by 'lib/libkvkontakte.so.1.0.0'.  Stop.

Once a build-time dependency on libsoprano-dev was declared, I was able
to compile digikam on a sid sbuild, it linked against the new
opencv-*2.4v5 libraries.

- Danny
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