[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#749684: [digikam] error trying to access kipi-plugins manuals (galleryexport) documentation

Steve M. Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Sun Jan 3 23:04:00 UTC 2016

Control: tags -1 confirmed upstream

Reproduced this bug in 4.14.0 using the following steps:

Open Help|digiKam Handbook (or press F1)
Scroll down to "4. Menu Descriptions / The main digiKam window / The Export 
Click on hyperlink for "Gallery Export manual".

On Wed, 28 May 2014 23:40:30 -0400 Filipus Klutiero <chealer at gmail.com> wrote:

>  From help:/digikam/menu-descriptions.html#export-menu
> trying to access some kipi-plugins manuals, such as galleryexport, results
> in a fatal error, for example:
> The file or folder help:/kipi-plugins/galleryexport.html does not exist.

In 4.14.0, the error is not fatal: both the KDE Help Center and DigiKam 
continue to run.  The former displays:

Could not find filename galleryexport.html in /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kipi-

> And indeed, that file is not in Debian.

It is not in the upstream sources, either.   In fact, if you open the Kipi 
Plugins Handbook in the KDE Help Center and look at Chapter 1, you'll see that 
most of the plugins have a link, but several do not.   The Gallery Export 
plugin is one that does not have a link.

I think the bug is therefore in the digikam manual itself.

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