[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#791388: Bug#771838: [liblensfun0] New upstream version

Pino Toscano pino at debian.org
Thu Jan 7 16:17:48 UTC 2016


sorry for the late reply.

In data sabato 26 dicembre 2015 21:10:25, Evgeni Golov ha scritto:
> On Wed, Aug 05, 2015 at 11:13:33PM +0200, Guus Sliepen wrote:
> > > Please bump lensfun API accordingly.
> > > Please DO NOT upload new lensfun release without bumping API version
> > > [and then, i guess, doing a transition]!
> > 
> > Ok, then I will cancel the current delayed upload and prepare one with a
> > version from git, and inform all reverse dependencies of the impending
> > change. Unless the real maintainers wake up of course.
> was there any progress on this? I've not seen anything in the pkg-kde SVN.
> (asking with my gimp-lensfun maintainer hat on, as the new g-l release needs
> newer lensfun)
> would be willing to help, not liking maintaining libs, though ;)

When I looked at lensfun 0.3.0 more than one year ago (right before the
jessie freeze), I started playing with it but then discovered than the
ABI was broken with no actual SONAME bump. Since I did not have further
time for communicating with upstream about this, there was no further

Just checked lensfun 0.3.2, and it seems that the SONAME is now .1
(great!); this means I can start working on it: experimental first,
then transition (I can take care of it). Of course you are free to help
in this process, with patches against what is in the packaging SVN.

(Just before that, I am going to do a maintenance-only upload to polish
the version in unstable.)

Pino Toscano
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