[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#791388: [liblensfun0] Please package new upstream version

Torsten Bronger bronger at physik.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Jan 8 13:41:58 UTC 2016


Pino Toscano writes:

> [...]
> In data domenica 15 novembre 2015 20:55:54, Torsten Bronger ha scritto:
> [...]
>> We suggest to count the database format version in the Debian
>> package name as it is common for libraries: lensfun-data1,
>> lensfun-data2, etc.
> Hm, on a Debian system you don't have multiple versions of lensfun
> though, i.e. only one liblensfunN, so that version has just one
> version of the data; hence, if I make liblensfunN x.y.z depend on
> liblensfun-data >= x.y.z, that should ensure the library has the
> data it needs, no?

If there is only one ABI version of lensfun installed, this would
work.  If you want to make possible that liblensfunM can be
installed locally parallely to liblensfunN, you need to put the
database format version (not the ABI number) in the -data package.

(Also note that the upcoming major Lensfun release will not be able
to read older database versions.  But this only makes the comparison
expression a little bit longer.)

> From what I see, changes in the data of a library (as long as
> those data are accessed by the library and only by that) should
> not matter to users of the library itself.

This is correct.  At least, if people read directly the library
files, they are on their own.


Torsten Bronger    Jabber ID: torsten.bronger at jabber.rwth-aachen.de

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