[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#803797: amarok: FTBFS with FFmpeg 2.9

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com
Sat Jan 9 19:25:48 UTC 2016

On 09.01.2016 07:10, Diane Trout wrote:
>>> though I'd ike to build and run it first.
>> That's always a good idea.
> Ok I built it and ran it and I think I tested the chunk of code that you 
> modified and it crashed.

Thanks for runtime testing this!

> However I then ran the version without your patch and it also crashed, so I'm 
> going to send your patch to upstream along with my test plan and see if we can 
> figure out whats broken.

Can you share a link or mark this bug as forwarded?
If the crash is related to FFmpeg functionality, I might be able to help.

Best regards,

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