[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#825056: Bug#825056: amarok: Systematic crash after this morning qt4/kde5 upgrade

Eric Valette Eric.Valette at Free.fr
Wed May 25 13:50:41 UTC 2016

On 05/25/2016 03:25 PM, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> Control: tag -1 + unreproducible moreinfo
> ¡Hola Eric!
> El 2016-05-23 a las 09:09 +0200, Eric Valette escribió:
>> Package: amarok Version: 2.8.0-4.1 Severity: important
>> Since this moring upgrade, It carshes immediately at start.
> I'm not being able to reproduce the issue, could you please attach the
> output generated by amarok when launched from a terminal?

It shows nothing at all before the crash. I tested with adding  --debug 
and I see that it crashes when initialazing phonon. I tested 
--debugaudio and it correctly find my audio config but still crash when 
it starts using it.

Same bug for juk on the same machine.

I however have a professionnal machine with the same software version 
(updated both each day using same sources) that do not exhibit the 
problem. So I assume it has something to do with audio setup.

The backtrace points to vlc phonon then carsh in a QT5 library.

But vlc, XBMC configured to use pulse works for audio/video on this machine.

NB : as I use a bluetooth headset most of the time on this machine that 
is not always on, and it has an internal audio from realtek also, the 
pulseaudio setup is a bit more complicated than usual...

-- eric

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