[Pkg-kde-talk] arts and kdelibs uploaded to alioth
Pierre Habouzit
Mon, 28 Feb 2005 20:59:13 +0100
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Le Lun 28 F=E9vrier 2005 14:07, Adeodato Sim=F3 a =E9crit :
> * Pierre Habouzit [Mon, 28 Feb 2005 09:03:40 +0100]:
> > Le Lun 28 F=E9vrier 2005 08:36, Pierre Habouzit a =E9crit :
> > > I'm currently doing kdeaccessibility.
> > > but there is a LOOOOT of new stuff in there ;) so it will take a
> > > little more time that I thought
> That's why I recommended kdeadmin in the first place. ;-)
yeah. btw, kdeaccessibility will have to wait for kdemultimedia since=20
kdemultimedia-dev will be in the build-deps.
> > so I'll go for kdeadmin now.
> Pierre, I've had a look at your commits and it seems you've done a
> very fine job. Thanks, and welcome on board. :)
Well, I'm not sure I deserve all your compliments, since the hard work=20
was done in the common-patches + cdbs ;) all I did was routine.
nontheless, I'm ready to work on the next kde package. but I fear they=20
all require kdebase, so ... maybe I'll do kdeutils as soon as you're=20
done with kdebase ? (in fact, I already did some things for kdeutils,=20
just before seeing that kdebase was in the B-D ...). But if anybody=20
claims rights on kdeutils, I'm fine with everything not too big. just=20
tell me !
=B7O=B7 Pierre Habouzit
OOO http://www.madism.org
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