[Pkg-kde-talk] Changed-By entry in uploads (from debian/changelog)

Adeodato Simó asp16@alu.ua.es
Sun, 2 Jan 2005 03:56:48 +0100

  today, I was wondering if the name of changelog entries really has to
  be a person, and I couldn't come up with a reason for it not be e.g. a
  generic group name.

  now I see that there is no problem with doing so:


  note that the name of the person signing the changes file (and thus
  doing the upload) appears in the ----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- block.

  I'd like to receive some input about using this scheme for our uploads
  too (personally, I seem to like it very much).

Adeodato Simó
    EM: asp16 [ykwim] alu.ua.es | PK: DA6AE621
    Listening to: Aphex Twin - Heliosphan
I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve
immortality throguh not dying.
                -- Woody Allen