[Pkg-kde-talk] Several tasks ...

Adeodato Simó asp16@alu.ua.es
Mon, 3 Jan 2005 19:13:05 +0100

* Pierre Habouzit [Mon, 03 Jan 2005 17:26:58 +0100]:

> what can we do ?

> (yeah I know what we _should_ do :
>  - tag the bug upstream, 
>  - open a bug on bugs.k.o
>  - tag the bug forwarded bugs.k.o/....
>  - follow the bug on bugs.k.o and then transmit all the stuff to the 
> submitter.

  all of the above. last point may become unnecessary, because if once
  you forward it upstream and notify the submitter about the
  bugs.k.o/nnn URL, many times they make themselves aware of the changes
  that happen there.

> So I'm asking myself if :
>  1/ there is a social (i mean non automatic) way to move ppl to submit 
> their upstream bugs directly to bugs.k.org
  asking. e.g., I normally don't create b.k.o entries for wishlist bugs,
  since these are very low priority and other bugs are more important.
  if I can, I mail the submitter stating so.

>  2/ we have to write some scripts that do the gateway -> i mean a soon 
> as we tag a bug upstream, this gateway open a bug on bugs.k.org, tags 
> the bug 'forward ....' and regullary polls bugs.d.o for changes of 
> status and comments.

  for the second part ("poll"), there is the list pkg-kde-bugs-fwd,
  which I announced on this post [1].

    [1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-qt-kde/2004/11/msg00137.html

  as for a script that would create a new bug at b.k.o (when invoked
  manually, not unsupervised), I've been wanting that for ages now. I
  know there exists a python script somewere (by ESR, I believe) to send
  bugs to Bugzillas - not sure if it would work with bugs.kde.org.

> thoughts ?

  that nobody should get too troubled/worried by the amount of existing
  (old) bugs. we can go cleaning those up at a low pace, and really
  focus in handle new bugs so that the list does not grow more.

Adeodato Simó
    EM: asp16 [ykwim] alu.ua.es | PK: DA6AE621
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