[Pkg-kde-talk] The future of Qt3
Christopher Martin
Christopher Martin <christopher.martin@utoronto.ca>
Wed, 6 Jul 2005 22:42:17 +0000
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Now that Qt4 is entering the archive and the gcc 4.0 transition is upon us,=
it would be nice to work out the future of Qt3. Martin, you had mentioned=20
that post-Sarge you would be giving up Qt3 at an unspecified point where=20
you predicted you would no longer have the necessary time. If you don't=20
object, I would suggest that now is a good time to make the hand-over to=20
the Debian Qt/KDE team.
In fact, I've already been working on an update for Qt3, and will be=20
checking it into SVN very shortly (in the people/chrsmrtn/packages section=
for the moment, but people should feel free to move/change the packaging as=
they see fit).
This update fixes a number of issues, I think. I say "I think" because I'm=
not a Qt expert and so don't trust myself. More than the usual peer review=
would be great (especially from Brian). Highlights (for the moment) include=
no more non-threaded libraries, and a debugging package. These packages do=
not yet include the necessary changes for the gcc 4.0 transition, the X.Org=
transition, nor do they include the #306879 patch for co-existence with=20
Qt4. Brian, in that report you mention that the patch for Qt3 is not=20
certain to be complete. Now that Qt4 is ready, does the #306879 patch need=
updating? Feel free to make SVN commits yourself, of course.
Anyway, if Martin doesn't object, and I haven't done anything too=20
outrageous, then hopefully we can come out of the gcc 4.0 transition with=20
nice new Qt3 and Qt4 packages (that co-exist nicely).
I will be quite slow in responding to e-mail for some time yet, but I will=
be here for further discussion.
Christopher Martin
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Comment: Signed by Christopher Martin <chrsmrtn@freeshell.org>