[Pkg-kde-talk] KDE 3.4 package underway
Pierre Habouzit
Wed, 2 Mar 2005 01:13:45 +0100
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Le Mar 1 Mars 2005 18:33, Christopher Martin a =E9crit :
> 1) Have two unpacked source directories: foo-1.2.3, foo-1.2.3.orig.
> One contains a debian subdirectory, one does not.
> 2) Run fakeroot debian/rules buildprep in the debianized source
> directory. This runs make -f admin/Makefile.common dist, cleans up,
> and handles patching.
> 3) Move the debian dir out of the source directory.
> 3) diff -Nrua foo-1.2.3.orig foo-1.2.3 > 99_buildprep.diff
> 4) Add "#DPATCHLEVEL=3D1" (no quotes) as the first line of
> 99_buildprep.diff.
2/3 things :
IIUC the 4) it's a pragma that helps simple patchsys to discover the=20
patchlevel it has to use ... but AFAIK, simple patchsys tries -p0 -p1=20
and -p2 alone, so it should work out from the box.
moreover, to have the same thing as what you do to build your=20
99.....patch, you can build the package, and then extract from=20
the .diff.gz the parts that are not related to debian/ files ;)
but honestly, I don't really see the point in making it a patch in=20
debian/patches since is won't *really* clean the .diff.gz. It will only=20
make it a bit worse : it will be the same as before, with 2 lines=20
added, and a big column of '+' ;)
=B7O=B7 Pierre Habouzit
OOO http://www.madism.org
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