[Pkg-kde-talk] [cross reading needed] kdeaccessibility ...

Pierre Habouzit pierre.habouzit@m4x.org
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 14:28:35 +0100

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kdeaccessibility required quite a lot of work, and I'm not fully sure I=20
always did the right choices.

There is still a couple of thing that needs answering/validation :

 * kttsd and ksayit have .h files that are kind of lost here.
   I really don't know what to do with them, I'm not sure they are
   helpfull at all, and I'm not sure they worth a kdeaccessiblity-dev

 * kttsd is split in many packages, due to the strong dependencies of
   some of them, I'll explain later in the mail.

 * I'm not a english native speaker, and not very fluent, so I'd be
   grateful to anybody that could check by debian/control entries.

moreover, feel free to criticize anything you find suspect. This was=20
quite the biggest package I ever worked on, and I'm far from perfect,=20
and may really have forgotten things.

[kttsd bloat]

I've not less than 5 packages for kttsd :


There is a README.Debian in kttsd, that explains the situation in [1]

The split has been made because the plugins roughly system/exec some=20
epos/flite/festival binaries.
I've not tested if the lack of epos/flite/festival will make them=20
segfault or no. But I fear users questions about them not working. So i=20
prefer having them in separate packages, with dependencies on=20
epos/flite/festival consequently.

[1] http://tinyurl.com/5pcav
=B7O=B7  Pierre Habouzit
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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