[Pkg-kde-talk] Package descriptions
Pierre Habouzit
Sat, 5 Mar 2005 22:43:19 +0100
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Le Sam 5 Mars 2005 21:56, Alejandro Exojo a =E9crit :
> El S=E1bado, 5 de Marzo de 2005 16:42, Christopher Martin escribi=F3:
> > I suggest that we adopt this general plan for updating package
> > descriptions in the 3.4 packages. It's not that we all must cancel
> > our dinner plans and start writing now; it's more that we should
> > agree on a general format within to work before we get too far.
> If you don't want to spend time on this, I will gladly accept doing
> it.
> Next wednesday is my last university day, and will have a lot of free
> time to spend on descriptions, manpages, and website, because my
> pkg-kde-commits folder has 200 unread messages :-), and since I never
> used CDBS, I can't help in real packaging at this moment.
> > If anyone agrees/disagrees/has alternate ideas, then let's talk.
> I, of course, agree, because I wrote it. O:-)
I've upgraded kde{accessibility,admin,utils} descriptions.
but some need still some work
I'll normalize kdewebdev ones soon. those (thanks to Ben) are really=20
good, and won't need much more work
=B7O=B7 Pierre Habouzit
OOO http://www.madism.org
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