[pkg-kde-talk] kdevelop3 : updating libtool scripts

Jeremy Laine jeremy.laine at m4x.org
Wed Jan 18 18:25:17 UTC 2006

> yeah, I was there already and I assume kdevelop is even harder
> because much bigger.

You bet, there is a huge number of Makefile.am's to patch. To make 
things somewhat easier, I have written a Perl (attached) that parses 
the errors that occur during a build and looks up symbols to figure out 
the needed libraries (the rules are specified in the script).

I invoke it like this:

<yourproject>/obj-i486-linux-gnu$ make -k 2>&1 | ~/find-missing-libs.pl

The output looks like this:

In directory 
libkdevfileselector.la needs :
  $(LIB_QT) $(LIB_KDECORE) $(LIB_KDEUI) $(LIB_KPARTS) $(LIB_KIO) -lktexteditor
libkdevfileselector.la unknown undefined references :
  locateLocal(char const*, QString const&, KInstance const*)
  qInstallMsgHandler(void (*)(QtMsgType, char const*))


In directory 
libkdevperlsupport.la needs :
kio_perldoc.la needs :

Note : - libraries are listed in the order they are specified in $all_libs.
- "unknown undefined references" means that there is no rule in 
$all_libs to figure out the missing library
- this script is work in progress!


http://www.jerryweb.org/             : JerryWeb.org
http://sailcut.sourceforge.net/      : Sailcut CAD
http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ : Polytechnique.org Free Software

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