kile pending issue with kdelibs and NMM planning

Fathi Boudra fboudra at
Tue Jun 27 09:34:53 UTC 2006

hi all,

there's a pending issue with kile and kdelibs, see:

> I'm mailing on the behalf of the kile dev team.
> We had some discussion on the mailinglist about if or not kile's own syntax
> files (latex.xml and bibtex.xml) should be used instead of the ones in
> kdelibs (see
>17) Because the syntax files of kile are usually newer and also work for
> every KDE between 3.2.x and 3.5.x, we concluded that it would be best if
> they got installed and not removed as it is now.
> The syntax files in kdelibs are also maintained by us, but because of our
> own release cylces we are not able to keep both versions the same.

how can we resolve it ?

There's also a pending issue that regularly come back, NMM (Network-Integrated 
Multimedia Middleware) packaging in debian (there's already sarge package) :

Could we clarify the situation ? is there a contact with nmm team ?



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