Handling of python-kde4

Adeodato Simó dato at net.com.org.es
Tue Jan 8 18:01:44 UTC 2008

Hello, Torsten.

I wanted to talk with you a bit about python-kde4, a bit as a (nominal)
member of the pkg-kde team, a bit as an interested party, what your
plans are, if any, and how would you like for this package to be handled.

I've been told, though I haven't confirmed with upstream, that the
bindings are now developed in KDE's SVN, but I'm not quite sure if they
plan on making additional releases from riverbankcomputing.com, or only
as part of the KDE release process.

*Independently* of that, I know as a past kdebindings maintainer that it
works best if each language bindings are maintained by a person or group
of people interested in that language combo, and not by an (always
overloaded) member of the pkg-kde team.

Because of this, I would like to ask (and hope that you are) if you're
interested in maintaining python-kde4. You could do this either by
becoming a member of the pkg-kde group, and maintain that part of the
kdebindings source package in our svn, or if you prefer, you can
maintain it from a separate source package (possibly rolling out your
own tarballs).

Can you tell us what's the case, so that we can know if somebody is
needed to maintain it on our part? (But I hope you're interested in
doing it yourself!)

                                 * * *

Said that, KDE 4.0.0 is about to be released, and I've tried the
bindings and they work, at least at a basic level. Do you have any plans
on packaging them? If you'd like, I can lend a hand with packaging,
maybe of early releases, maybe for the long term. I'm not exactly
*thrilled* with the idea, but if you need help, I can't but lend a hand.

Let me know what you think,

Adeodato Simó                                     dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at debian.org
- Why are you whispering?
- Because I just think that no matter where she is, my mom can hear this
                -- Rory and Lane

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