KDE plans for the squeeze cycle

Mario Fux debian-ml at unormal.org
Mon Aug 17 19:17:38 UTC 2009

Am Montag, 17. August 2009 schrieb David Palacio:



> I want to highlight that Qt 4.6 will deliver an important set of new
> features (animation API, state machine framework), and important updates
> (graphics view, webkit, qtscript) [0]. Leaving 4.6 outside of the next
> stable, would put Squeeze in an unsupported status of new Qt software for
> it's entire life span.
> See [1] for an estimate of when we should expect a 4.6 release.
> [0] http://qt.nokia.com/developer/qt-roadmap
> [1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1190545/qt-4-6-release-
> date/1190569#1190569

See this blog on labs.trolltech.com/blogs about the release of Qt 4.6:


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