Qt Linux-Embedded for Debian - are you working on this?

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 17 08:18:14 UTC 2010

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 01:04:55AM +0200, Steffen M?ller wrote:
> I only very recently learned about the Qt embedded series
> that there is for Linux. This is, so I understood it,
>  basically the whole functionality of Qt but without the
> dependency on X. To me this sounds very worthwhile to have
> also as (separate) Debian packages since highly attractive
> to the embedded world.

This has recently been packaged by Linaro and is currently in Ubuntu's
New queue.  It's done as a separate source packages which means it
doesn't get in the way of those of us who only care about the X11
version but is a large duplication of code.  Being a different ABI
existing Qt apps won't work with it, they would need recompiled.
Nokia are currently working on a new embedded version called
Lighthouse which is more generic and will work with more outputs so
this QWS version may not have a very long lifetime.

to appear soon at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-qws


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