/usr/share/doc/kde4 (Debian) vs. /usr/share/doc/kde (Kubuntu)

Modestas Vainius modestas at vainius.eu
Sun May 23 20:42:49 UTC 2010


On sekmadienis 23 Gegužė 2010 22:55:02 Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On Sunday 23 May 2010 14:07:28 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> > So obviously this difference does not make kubuntu people very happy
> > because extra work is needed for merging packages from Debian. As far as
> > I understand, they want Debian to switch.
> I thought they just asked to do s/kde4/kde\*/ in the install files, making
> the install files working on both debian and ubuntu.
> /Sune

Then I misunderstood. But in any case, the latter would be a hack rather than 
a solution.

Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
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