RFS: libengsas packages
Joachim Langenbach
joachim.langenbach at engsas.de
Sat Mar 30 23:23:20 UTC 2013
Dear debian kde team,
asking on debian-mentors list for an sponsor for my library, they gave me some
advices and the hint to ask someone on this mailing list. Since I have fixed
nearly all mentioned issues, it is now time for asking again.
The library is a Qt based library, with the main goal to provide a platform
independent and common API for using KDE libs or Qt only. For example it
provides a QFileDialog replacement, which uses the KFileDialog when KDE is
enabled or QFileDialog if not. Also the KDE mimetype system can be used. It
also provides many base classes, which might be useful for some projects, like
a SQL database setup and backup wizard, a sql query thread and some chart
The packages can be found at http://ftp.engsas.de/stable/debian/6.0. There
you'll find the following 5 binary packages (beside the sources):
- libengsas0 The libengsas Qt only version
- libengsas0-kde The KDE version of libengsas
- libengsas0-common The shared stuff of libengsas and libengsas-kde
- libengsas0-dev Development files for both libengsas libs
- libengsas0-dev-doc API documentation of libengsas
The remaining lintian errors are related to the symbols. I have added symbol
control files for the binary packages with shared libraries and distributed the
detected symbols from dpkg-gensymbols as they provide them. But actually I'm
getting the error
but there is no debian revision in the symbol files.
I'm appreciate for any help!
Nice easter holidays and kind regards,
Joachim Langenbach
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