Removing Qt4 in Strech

Andreas Cord-Landwehr cordlandwehr at
Thu Apr 16 20:37:52 UTC 2015

On Thursday 16 April 2015 15:58:58 Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > I would also like some input from the KDE maintainers, specially (but not
> > limited to) maxy on how KDE's porting efforts are being developed (for
> > example, do you think we will have a usable KDE with Qt5 experience by the
> > end of the year?) I haven't tried it myself yet so any input in this
> > regard
> > will be highly appreciated.
> Since Kubuntu is doing a largely Plasma5/Kf5/Qt5 release this month, I think
> we'll have a very good idea based on user feedback to Kubuntu about how
> usable the KDE/Qt5 experience is.  I haven't tried it either.

Hi, the porting progress of KDE Applications is currently working quite nicely 
IMO. An overview on what currently is already ported is e.g. here:

Yet some important applications (e.g. the whole of PIM, Okular, Calligra...) 
have not seen any Qt5/KF5 based release yet. Trying to not make too bold 
statements, my gut feeling is that the KDE Applications release after 15.08 
(probably around X-Mas) should provide ports for "most" of the applications, 
making early 2016 sound a feasible date. If you add 4 more months for another 
Applications release cycle for safety, there should have been two Qt5/KF5 
based release cycles for most applications at spring 2016.

Talking about the Workspace, it is already quite usable IMO (whereas I am 
running master branches).


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