Moving forward on fixing bug 721938

Sune Vuorela sune at
Wed Apr 22 18:53:29 UTC 2015

On Wednesday 22 April 2015 14:51:32 Rohan Garg wrote:
> So far I haven't seen a good reason not to include the patch ( from
> what I've gathered talking to people on IRC )

It is the other way around. We don't need reasons why not to include things. 
We need reasons to include it, despite not being picked up by upstream, and 
descriptions on why it is safe to actually include it.

(I haven't recently looked at the patch in question)

I didn’t stop pretending when I became an adult, it’s just that when I was a 
kid I was pretending that I fit into the rules and structures of this world. 
And now that I’m an adult, I pretend that those rules and structures exist.
   - zefrank

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