git moves

Maximiliano Curia maxy at
Wed Aug 5 22:54:43 UTC 2015

On 05/08/15 23:52, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
>> some changes to pkg-kde git today:
>> I added kwallet-pam to plasma

No Debian version, also it seems to be a bit of a hack, Alex Fiestas promised
to fix the way the envSocket was handled some time ago. I think I'll stay away
from this till it's improved.

>> I moved kio-extras from plasma to applications

This is in testing, I've added a symlink in the plasma tree.

>> I moved kgamma from applications to plasma

This is only in experimental.

>> I moved plasma-volume-control from kde-extras to plasma and renamed to
>> plasma-pa

This is new for 5.4, right?

>> kgamma is due to be released with plasma tomorrow versioned 5.3.95 but
>> there's already been a 14.12.0 version as part of applications.  I can
>> ask the release manager to rename the tar, any suggestions what to?
>> kgamma-kf5 for example?

What about kgamma-plasma?

> If you mean from Ubuntu's repos to Debian's, that might or not be right.. It is 
> right as long as Debian didn't have a special repo for it, it is not right if 
> we already have one.

I've added the missing symlink.

> Also we don't need new repos for stuff that already has one except maybe if we 
> need to keep both versions in the archive for some reason.

Ack, we should merge some kde-sc histories into the plasma/apps repos.

> WRT kgamma, I don't see why we should have two of them.

We don't need two, but we already have the kde4 version that is bigger than
the one released in plasma5.

Happy hacking,
"I decry the current tendency to seek patents on algorithms. There are better
ways to earn a living than to prevent other people from making use of one's
contributions to computer science."
-- Donald Knuth
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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