Building DigiKam 4.14 with libkgeomanip and other former "extras"

Steve M. Robbins steve at
Sun Dec 20 23:22:07 UTC 2015


I'm preparing DigiKam 4.x packages for Debian.  While I've used KDE for ages, 
I'm new to the development side, so I have a couple questions.

The previous Debian package was DigiKam 4.4.  I just created an initial 4.14 
package.   Between 4.4 and 4.14, several "extra" libraries were split out and 
are no longer distributed in the digikam source: libkdcraw  libkexiv2  
libkface  libkgeomap  libkipi  libksane  libkvkontakte  libmediawiki.  Several 
of these are already packaged in Debian and I just used them in the build.  

Others are not yet packaged for Debian (e.g. libkgeomap and libkface) so I had 
to drop functionality temporarily.  Now I'm looking for the canonical source 
location of these former "extras".  

Question 1: Given that I'm building DigiKam 4.x, I presume I'll need a 
KDE4/Qt4 version of each extra.  Is that the case?

The first place I found was where I can find 
links some of these extras, including kface and geomap.    The kface link 
takes me to but 
here the latest commit is March 2015.  The geomap link has bitrotted and 
brings up a 404.

Next, I found which 
has kface and geomanip.   Debian has an "experimental" package for kface that 
is version 15.04.0, built against KDE4/Qt4.  The new 15.12 version builds 
against KF5 and Qt5.   The geomap v15.12 sources also build against KF5.

Question 2: If I can't use the latest kface, should I just go backwards in 
time to find the last release using KDE4 and use that with DigiKam?  

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