tasksel's task-kde-desktop seems to be outdated

Maximiliano Curia maxy at gnuservers.com.ar
Mon Apr 9 17:46:39 BST 2018


It seems to be that time again when task-kde-desktop needs to be updated. And 
I think that it would be better to send one single bug with all the changes to 
that we want to do.

Currently task-kde-desktop recommends:
 - k3b.
   Does anybody uses their cd burner nowadays?
   -> I'm inclined towards a remove from task-kde-desktop
   -> lisandro via irc suggest to remove it and to add to kde-full
 - dragonplayer
   Already installed by kde-standard
   -> My suggestion: remove
 - kdesudo
   kde4 based, we also have kdesu which uses sudo by default (but it's shipped 
   in a libexec dir, so it's not really for "public" use), but at the same 
   time upstream disrecommends launching qt apps as root.
 - apper
   I'm not sure if this should be replaced by plasma-discover, I guess 
   Matthias is the right person to make a call here.
 - gimp
   While it's a great piece of software, is it really worth having it in the 
   default installation?

Other desktops seems to also provide:
 - xsane / some way to use a scanner
   We have skanlite (currently suggested by kde-standard) and/or digikam, 
   should we recommend these?

Other packages:
 - kdeaccessibility depends upon jovie (KDE4 based), kaccessible (KDE4 based), 
   kmouth (KDE4 based), I'm not even sure if these are usable right now. :/
 - should we recommend/suggest krita?
 - Does anybody really uses dragonplayer? Shouldn't we recommend vlc instead?

Happy hacking,
"If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
-- France's Rule of Folly
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/
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