tasksel's task-kde-desktop seems to be outdated

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer perezmeyer at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 18:18:12 BST 2018

El viernes, 27 de abril de 2018 10:26:28 -03 Maximiliano Curia escribió:
> Hi!
> Thanks for all the feedback given. I'm replying to myself to send a sort of
> summary of what currently seems to be the consensus.

Thanks for the follow up!

> Personally, I would prefer to drop kdesudo from the kde task, as this seems
> to be a deprecated functionality nowadays, and, in fact, most kde/qt apps
> can't be used as root.

s/can't/shouldn't/ possibly. So far I have not found any Qt app that does not 
works as root except if it has specific code for that.

[snip and agreed all the snipped text]
> I'm don't know if qtspeech is going to be a dependency of the new kmouth
> (kf5 based).

IIRC kmouth upstream was asking distros to ship QtSpeech before it became 
stable API in order to ship kmouth, so so yes.

> Just an observation, orca is also included in the tasksel kde package, so it
> would be nice to have the same default speech synthesizer backend, which I
> think it's speechd for orca.

Sounds very reasonable.

Again, thanks!

Los estadounidenses no tienen la culpa, la guerra tiene la culpa. La falta de
voluntad de la gente para comprender a aquellos que tienen valores diferentes,
eso es lo que tiene la culpa.
  Shinji Mikamo

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
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