Debian & KDE - Akademy

Scarlett Clark sgclarkkde at
Fri Aug 10 13:52:49 BST 2018

I will be there Sunday. See you there!

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018, 04:20 Sandro Knauß <hefee at> wrote:

> Hey,
> Me is also being part of Qt/KDE Debian Maintainers, so if there are any
> planned discussion about Debian &  KDE interaction at Akademy, please
> leave me
> a note.
> I think there is still friction with the two different bug trackers as the
> Debian team has not enough manpower to push handle every request, that
> comes
> from Debian bug tracker to push to the upstream bugtracker (KDE).
> And than it is very hard to get an overview, what distros do with KDE
> software, if distros added patches to their software. Currently every
> distro
> hold it owns patchsets. I think it would help everyone if there would be a
> more generalized solution to find those patchsets... This got even worse
> as
> KDE releases quite often, so nearly no distro shares the same version...
> sandro
> PS: Me yesterday entered Vienna for Akademy -  are there more team members
> at
> Akademy?
> --
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