Removing qt4's webkit: missing stuff

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer perezmeyer at
Thu Feb 15 19:02:01 UTC 2018

Hi! I'm trying to coordinate the remaining steps in order to get us rid of 
qt4's webkit. The idea is to share what I currently know of the situation and 
see if we can go forward.

Today Adrian Bunk wrote:

  <bunk> preconditions for qtwebkit removal from testing are kmix 17.12 and an
  upload of the #784477 patch, followed by fixing #784479

<> aka "remove the 
webkit and plasma parts from kde-runtime"

<> remove kdewebkit 
from kdelibs.

Once those are done we can go ahead asking for the removal of the remaining 
packages listed in [wiki]

[wiki] <>

From that list kmix might be the more relevant one, although there is plasma-
pa-around (not exactly the same, I know).

We also have amarok (we should really remove it now) and maybe kchmviewer. 
This last one needs packaging time.


- Is anyone willing to take kmix?
- Is anyone willing to take kchmviewer?
- Is there anything I am missing?

Cheers, Lisandro.

La mejor prueba de que la navegación en el tiempo no es posible, es el hecho
de no haber sido invadidos por masas de turistas provenientes del futuro.
  Stephen Hawking

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
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