Debian & the KDE advisory board meeting (was: Re: Bits from the DPL (June 2018))

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer perezmeyer at
Tue Jul 3 17:29:07 BST 2018

El lunes, 2 de julio de 2018 13:56:32 -03 Chris Lamb escribió:
> Hi Lisandro,
> > - Avoid releasing software which uses not-stable-released Qt stuff.
> […]
> > Again, this is something for you to know in case you get asked, but
> > nothing I would expect putting in the table on a first meeting chance.
> Actually this is precisely the kind of thing I should and/or want to
> raise.
> My comment about a "first meeting" was more along the lines of that I/
> we obviously have not been set any "homework" that we should have done
> since the last one.

Perfect then :)
> Therefore, do you have any other questions, etc in this area?

At least not from my side.


Dadme voto electrónico y con una terminal os haré presidente.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
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