Stuff to work on. Was:Re: RFP: pyside2 -- Python bindings for Qt5

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer perezmeyer at
Sat May 12 14:10:59 BST 2018

¡Hello Maxy, everyone!

In the following mail Maxy touches some points we might want to recheck, so 
forwarding to this list.

El sábado, 12 de mayo de 2018 05:11:21 -03 Maximiliano Curia escribió:
> ¡Hola Raphael!
> We have not yet decided when to give team wide Master or Admin levels, sorry
> about that, it's in the agenda for our next meeting, but the meeting has no
> date set.

Right, we need to set a date. Is next saturday 2018-05-19 at some point 
starting from 16 UTC? I might be able to start sooner, but I'll know after 

Of course feel free to propose other dates.

> >> Right, but please take into account that the packages maintained under
> >> the
> >> qt tree use a debian directory only packaging branch, and in general,
> >> they
> >> use all the same packaging structure (no dpm, no upstream branches or
> >> tags
> >> in the public repos, etc). This set of rules is more relaxed in qt-extras
> >> and kde-extras.
> > 
> > Are the rules documented somewhere?
> They are somewhat documented in, I would
> say: -> but the tagging
> string here is wrong (we used to enforce that tags needed the "$version
> $distribution; urgency=$urgency" format as done by pkgkde-git tag -s), and I
> wouldn't blindly follow the instructions under "Integrating original source
> into local repository".
> I'm not particularly fond to this rules as to work on updating them, please
> ask further advice to the qt maintainers (Lisandro and Dmitry).

Well, rules are not written on stone, so we can discuss them. I think :-)

Either he's dead or my watch has stopped.
 -- Groucho Marx

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
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