Making the obvious official: stepping down from active maintenance of most of the packages

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer perezmeyer at
Sun Apr 14 02:01:06 BST 2019

Hi everyone! This mail is to make official what in some form or the other has 
been happening lately: stop actively maintenance of most of the packages 
within the team, stepping down as an uploader.

What I plan to keep doing:

- Being around on IRC and mailing lists.
- Commiting from time to time to the Qt stack, maybe even using merge 
- Try to do stable uploads of Qt stuff. Let's see if I can get to it.
- Keep interacting with Qt's upstream as I have been doing all this time, 
except of course someone wants to take over / prefers I stop doing it.

What I plan to avoid:

- Actively maintaining any package within the team except for choqok (which is 
currently very little work), qtcreator and md4c (currently in NEW).
- Being entangled in transitions *except* Qt maintainers really need a hand.

What I an asking you to do for me: remove me from Uploaders in all packages 
except the ones I listed above.

Also feel free to ask me not to touch any package in which I am not an 
uploader if you feel I better don't do it.

For the curious: this has more to do with the fact that I currently lack the 
time to do a proper job (this is of course under my POV) than any other thing. 
If that changes I might "come back" later on, but that's to be seen.

Cheers, Lisandro.

Simulations are like miniskirts, they show a lot and hide the essentials.
  Hubert Kirrman

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
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