[RFC] pkg-kde-tools: auto-injections of dependencies

Norbert Preining norbert at preining.info
Tue Dec 8 01:12:03 GMT 2020

Hi Pino, Patrick, Scarlett,

On Mon, 07 Dec 2020, Pino Toscano wrote:
> - too broad solution

Ok, opinion.

> - lots of boilerplate in many packages (30+), even in case where there
>   is no need for it

That should have been taken care of by the plasma.mk/injectdependencies.
A newer version based on provides plasma-base-5-20 could probably even
more simple.

> - it does not solve the issue with out-of-Plasma packages using Plasma
>   libraries

That is true.

Concenring your question list:

> - what is the problem?

mixing of packages from different releases

> - how does the proposed change solve the issue?

By depending on a versioned package.

> - how can be the proposed use case be tested

I have made tests by updating from stable with the proposed changes:
- install package in stable
- update sources
- update only that one package
- check that all other plasma package are updated to the same version
Done that, reported it.

> - does the proposed change conflict with any other existing use case?

Not that I know.

> Well, it depends on how kscreenlocker changed in 5.20 :)
> Did you check it so far?

There are the following symbol changes going from 5.19 to 5.20

* kwayland-server
  A huge mess of added/removed symbols (changes to about 700 symbols AFAIR)
  Since this is new without reverse dependencies outside plasma, I don't
  see the need to do something about it, but please correct me.

* kwin
  both libkwineffects12a and libkwinglutils12 gained several symbols,
  but both lost
	- _ZZN4KWin10connectionEvE5s_con at Base 4:5.1.95+git20150122

* libksysguard
  libksysguardsensorfaces1 gained some symbols and lost
	- _ZN9KSysGuard20SensorFaceController7Private14createConfigUiERK7QStringRK4QMapIS2_8QVariantE at Base 4:5.19.4
		KSysGuard::SensorFaceController::Private::createConfigUi(QString const&, QMap<QString, QVariant> const&)
	- _ZN9KSysGuard20SensorFaceController7Private9createGuiERK7QString at Base 4:5.19.4
		KSysGuard::SensorFaceController::Private::createGui(QString const&)
	- _ZN9KSysGuard20SensorFaceController7PrivateC1Ev at Base 4:5.19.4
	- _ZN9KSysGuard20SensorFaceController7PrivateC2Ev at Base 4:5.19.4
  libprocesscore9 gained some symbols and lost
	- _ZN9KSysGuard17ProcessController7Private14localProcessesE at Base 4:5.18.90
	- _ZN9KSysGuard21ProcessAttributeModelC1EPNS_17ExtendedProcessesEP7QObject at Base 4:5.18.90
		KSysGuard::ProcessAttributeModel::ProcessAttributeModel(KSysGuard::ExtendedProcesses*, QObject*)
	- _ZN9KSysGuard21ProcessAttributeModelC2EPNS_17ExtendedProcessesEP7QObject at Base 4:5.18.90
		KSysGuard::ProcessAttributeModel::ProcessAttributeModel(KSysGuard::ExtendedProcesses*, QObject*)
  other libs only gained symbols

* plasma-workspace
  libtaskmanager6abi1 lost one symbol
	- _ZZZN15KMimeTypeTrader16preferredServiceERK7QStringS2_Ed_NKUlvE_clEvE15qstring_literal at ABI_6_1 4:5.17.5
		KMimeTypeTrader::preferredService(QString const&, QString const&)::{default arg#1}::{lambda()#1}::operator()() const::qstring_literal
  others only gained symbols

Suggestions welcome

> If that's OK for you, I can upload these changes this weekend, when the
> buildd queue is slightly more empty (right now there are the
> "drop py3.8" rebuilds).

Sure enough, please go ahead!
(I hope I speak for Scarlett, too!)

> What I consider "the other half" of this tooling is... manual checking
> the differences between the old version (5.19.x) and the new one
> (5.20.x). Yes, it's a manual work, but it easily allows to spot these

You mean diffing the sources ... well, I leave this to someone who wants
to do it.

> > I just say "poppler" ... (breakage at every release, without bumps).
> Bad example: poppler always bumps SONAME together with its API and ABI
> of the core (private) library.

No, you are wrong. poppler broke TeX Live builds about a zig times due
to changes without version bump. I can dig up all the reports if you
want. That was one of the reason I started again to use the TeX Live
internal poppler, since the one in Debian is happily breaking things.
Admitted, it hasn't changed in the last year, but before that several

> Sandro described it on the list:
> https://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/pkg-kde-talk/2020-November/003171.html

Sandro's option 2 is very much what I have implemented in the pull request,
besides that he is doing only for shared libraries.

Also option 3 is probably a similar approach in reverse to my
plasma-base approach.



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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