Your request to join salsa's qt-kde team

Pino Toscano pino at
Sun Mar 22 16:36:11 GMT 2020

In data domenica 22 marzo 2020 14:04:43 CET, Dylan Aïssi ha scritto:
> Hi Lisandro,
> Le sam. 21 mars 2020 à 16:35, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
> <perezmeyer at> a écrit :
> >
> > Hi Dylan! I have just saw your request to join the group. Which
> > packages do you intend to help with?
> >
> > Please ping me if I can be of any help, and feel free to join #debian-qt-kde
> >
> As I maintain R packages, I am interested in rkward (IDE for R) which
> is not up-to-date.

Note this group does not maintain rkward, but Thomas Friedrichsmeier
does. Did you contact him?

Now that I see, there is a extras/rkward repository in our group: it
appears that it was created two years ago by Scarlett, by importing the
content of the unstable version at a time, without any history/tags.
Considering that an upload done recently by Thomas recently simply
ignored that repository, I consider that repository wrong, and most
probably done without contacting the maintainer. Hence I just removed
it, thanks for making us notice it.

That said: if you get approval from Thomas to work on it and agreement
to maintain rkward as part of the qt-kde team, then that's perfectly
OK for me. In this case, please do start from a repository containing
the proper history of the rkward packaging.

Pino Toscano
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