KDEPIM 20.04 and KDE Frameworks 5.70 coming to unstable now

Sandro Knauß hefee at debian.org
Wed May 27 23:42:06 BST 2020


> I can try to work via an MR but given only master branch of Elisa (i.e. what
> will be 20.08) is affected, the priority is low. This is why I asked via an
> email. It could be part of a bigger update to the packages but probably is
> not valuable enough to warrant a release on its own.

Well just uploading a new Debian version if there are only some patches on top 
is cheap. But I cannot follow every package where patches are necessary nor 
can do all the work on my own, especially this is something, that can't been 
automated. So providing a MR with a reasonable description helps a lot get the 
patches inside Debian.

But from your description I see that we will have a new KDE Frameworks in 
place with the patch already included, when this gets an issue. And we need to 
update Frameworks before 20.08 as 20.08 will properly the last version, that 
ends in the next Debian release, as the Transition and (build-)essentials 
freeze is planned on 2021-01-12, and it will be properly to rough to package 
the 20.12 version.

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