Kup, a Plasma backup app, now part of KDE project

Aurélien COUDERC coucouf at debian.org
Wed Feb 3 22:10:46 GMT 2021

Le mardi 13 octobre 2020, 16:38:36 CET Thomas Pierson a écrit :
> Hi Lisandro!

Hi Thomas !

> On 13/10/2020 15:53, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
> >> If I understand correctly it's now part of KDE Applications. In that
> >> case it belongs into kde/ of our salsa team. I can create the repo but
> >> I would love to confirm that it is now part of "KDE Apllications".
> >> Worst case scenario: we add it to extras.
> On KDE website I can see it referenced inside "Applications" here:
> * https://kde.org/applications/en/kup
> But I don't know if it means that it's really part of their Applications
> "bundle". I will try to figure it out.
> > By the way: you are not really forced to move the project, although
> > you might benefit from other helping to maintain it... but we already
> > have too much in our plates :-)
> I don't want to give you more work of course and I will continue to take
> care of Kup wathever is decided.
> But on the contrary I want to bring my help if I can. I just worked on
> kdsoap(now in NEW) for example and I hope this will help!

Thanks for this and for Kup. That’s really helpful !

I think it’s really a good idea to put it in the team’s perimeter, if only to 
avoid a bus factor of 1. :)

Like Lisandro said it’s not like we want to package-all-the-things, the number 
of packages we take care of is already quite big. But it will give the package 
more visibility (at least to us :) and hopefully inspire you into contributing 
to other Qt/KDE packages. :D
Feel free to come hang on #debian-qt-kde on OFTC if you like IRC.

We keep the /kde group for core KDE packages like KF5, PIM, Apps, Plasma, so I 
think kup would belong to /extras for now.

The next steps would be :
- make the Maintainer the following:
    Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras at lists.alioth.debian.org>
- put yourself in the Uploaders:
- give me (salsa username @coucouf) or anyone you trust in the team co-owner 
of the repo so we can move it to /extras
- update the Vcs-* fields in d/control to the new location
- Upload the changes so they are visible to the various tools in Debian.

kdsoap could probably follow the same route. Maybe it’s more for 3rdparty than 
extras as it’s remotely KDE and not even hosted on invent.kde.org.

Happy hacking !
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