Bug#1020387: dictionaries-common: Consensus regarding the packaging of the Qt WebEngine hunspell binary dictionaries

Rene Engelhard rene at debian.org
Thu Feb 16 05:40:21 GMT 2023


Am 16.02.23 um 02:24 schrieb Lisandro Damian Nicanor Perez Meyer:
> - Hunspell dictionaries should be handled by... hunspell. Yes, I know 
> this was
> considered and it's still not possible. But the fact that webengine ships them
> is not enough a reason to expose them to the world instead of doing the right
> thing: handling them there.

Then make it use hunspell.

Unpatched and with the same format.

It's not as if hunspell invented a binary format for no gain at all 
instead of just differentiating for differentiating.

Same with an internal *patched* hunspell copy.

> - If the patches are taken and at some point webengine upstreams decide to
> switch to something else then we the Qt maintainers get the broken pieces.
> Insta RC bugs, we get this package stopped from migrating to testing until
> solving the issue... a pain.


That is already the case. All packages building bdic right now *are* 
laready using it (and be it via usage of installdeb-myspell which calls 
the binary):

root at frodo:/# apt-cache showsrc igerman98
Package: igerman98
Binary: ingerman, iswiss, wngerman, wswiss, rmligs-german, 
hunspell-de-at, hunspell-de-ch, hunspell-de-de, aspell-de
Version: 20161207-11
Maintainer: Roland Rosenfeld <roland at debian.org>
Uploaders: Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)
Build-Depends-Indep: aspell, busybox, dictionaries-common-dev (>= 
1.29.3), hunspell, qt6-webengine-dev-tools, ispell

> So no, I'm totally against these change. Dmitry, Patrick: my suggestion is to
> reverse the patches.

If you  revert the virtual package it's still too late. And it 
complicates things even more since then people need to change their 
build-dependency (and maybe calls) explicitely, causing more PITA.

The virtual package will help with that in that this will automagically 

And the whole bdic  thingy: It's there, in in qtwebengine itself. 
dictionaries-commons policy, in installdeb-myspell --bdic-only etc.

And Soren has a point, Debian should support those .bdic files is 
possible, how broken their existence may be.




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