Plans for qt6-webengine - will remain limited architectures?

Patrick Franz deltaone at
Fri Aug 16 15:40:13 BST 2024

Hej Steven,

Am Freitag, 16. August 2024, 14:14:09 CEST schrieb Steven Robbins:
> Hi,
> A month ago I switched digikam to build with Qt6.  I targeted
> experimental at the time but have just uploaded to unstable.  In the
> process I have discovered that qt6-webengine builds on just four
> architectures.
> Since this is a core dependency for digikam, I will need to make the
> same restriction.  If this is a permanent situation, then I'll just
> change digikam's control file and be done.
> But I'm wondering whether the plan is to gradually get webengine
> building on more architectures -- and whether I'm better off leaving
> digikam's control file as "Architecture: any" and just ignore the
> buildd failures in the short term?

Historically, Qt WebEngine has always been limited to about a handful of 
architectures and that's because it contains an embedded Chromium which 
is limited to a handful of archs as well.
We have currently no intention of building qt6-webengine on more 
architectures. There are some efforts to get it to build on riscv, but 
e.g. building it on all release architectures is out of the question.

This Qt WebEngine problem simply coincided with your switch to Qt 6. If 
you had stayed on Qt 5 , you'd be running into the same issue as 
upstream has made the use of WebEngine mandatory independently of the Qt 

It looks like you'll have to limited the architectures on which digikam 
is available in the future. This might suck for some, but I don't quite 
see another option right now.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Patrick Franz

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