Plasma 6 coming to unstable

Aurélien COUDERC coucouf at
Wed Nov 27 12:15:11 GMT 2024

Le dimanche 24 novembre 2024, 23:30:39 UTC+1 Aurélien COUDERC a écrit :

> > Background of my question, plasma-mobile build-depends on kwin with same point release, then whatever kwin version you plan to
> > upload, I will finalize the packaging of the same version for plasma-mobile.

I see a couple other packages in your perimeter that currently depend on Plasma 5 and would need updating :
- calindori (depends on Plasma 5’s qqc2breezestyle)
- koko (depends on Plasma 5’s qqc2breezestyle)

Could you ensure you upload these too ?
Do you need help working on them ?
I can give you a hand if needed.

Thanks !

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