A new package...

steve.b at osfda.org steve.b at osfda.org
Fri Oct 4 12:31:33 BST 2024

I have a package that enhances KDE: it supports file versioning in 
dolphin (similar to Windows File Versioning and Mac Revert...) I am NOT 
seeking it to be a part of KDE to start; though if it becomes popular 
the KDE extras team could choose to add it to theirs at a later date.

I would like a sponsor to be able to have it accessible from the stable 
repo of bookworm. This will facilitate more extensive field testing by 
many more parties. Also, having it reviewed by a mentor will increase 
the comfort level for people who would like to kick the tires on it.

I am talking to the debian mentors mailing list. Is that the right 
avenue for this?

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