Handing QML dependencies

Hefee hefee at debian.org
Sat Oct 12 14:20:02 BST 2024


> Interesting. So far we have avoided doing that as much as possible
> because there is no way QML files are needed upon build time, thus
> reducing build space, there was no benefit. Now there is a tangible
> benefit for this. This could also mean we can keep the CMake files
> that look for specific QML plugins to be available upon build time...
> but this might make some apps FTBFS, which might be fixed with a
> proper unstable rebuild (ask Lucas IIRC) + transition.

at least KF6 already have checks to check for qml dependencies and also 
requiring them, but KF6 also ships the needed cmake stuff to detect the qml 
e.g. itinerary/CMakeLists.txt:
ecm_find_qmlmodule(org.kde.kosmindoormap 24.02 REQUIRED)

> I would personally say "Go for it, and if someone complains then let
> them provide a workaround".

thanks for that;)


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